Video Creators Agency

3 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Product Sales on YouTube [Ep. #370]

Do you have a product or course that you promote with your Youtube channel? How are your sales? If people aren’t buying, it’s likely because you are trying to bombard your audience by asking them to buy the product in every single video. It makes sense to make the pitch every time, but unfortunately, it overwhelms the viewer. Plus, you haven’t provided enough value to earn their trust.

But I have a solution! Using the 3 bucket strategy you can earn the know, like and trust factor that you need to convert those sales. Keep reading and I will share this strategy and more to get you the sales you are wanting.

Creator Spotlight

But first, I wanted to introduce you to Johnny Burnet. He was doing standup comedy 6 nights a week, but when the pandemic hit all of that stopped. Since this caused his creative outlet to come to a screeching halt, he started on YouTube instead. He first started with comedy, but randomly decided to do some food videos since this was another passion of his. He found that this content was much more fruitful and that he really enjoyed teaching people to cook. He quickly saw that his creative outlet could turn into a full-time income. After working with us, he really was able to focus in on his target audience and use the three-bucket strategy to draw sales in a way that draws people in instead of turning people off. If you are interested in working with us, we’d love to hop into a no-pressure Discovery Call and see where you are at in your journey and what would be the best program that we have that could help you take your channel to the next level.

3 Things You’re Probably Doing Wrong…

Whether you are doing brand deals, selling a product, or trying to get viewers to sign up for an email list, you need a sales strategy. It can feel tricky, but it doesn’t have to be! Creators often get frustrated because they feel like they’re not converting and their efforts are not producing the results that they want.

If you feel this way, we’ve boiled it down to 3 keys things that you are probably doing wrong.

1. Pitching in Every Video

I get it. Every video has new potential leads. It makes sense on paper to always make the pitch; but, honestly it is hurting you. At some point, if you always make the pitch, even if it’s just a couple seconds, it simply becomes noise that the viewer tunes out. It can also feel overwhelming and take away from the enjoyment of the viewing experience. Just think, you’re a viewer who is trying to enjoy this video when this used car salesman pops in on every video and trying to sell you something. This is especially problematic when your viewer hasn’t even gotten as chance to know you yet. A lot of sales comes with credibility so without proving your credentials, why would they believe that this would solve their problems?

Not convinced this is the case for you? Check out your analytics. I see quite often that as soon as that branded spot or sales pitch begins, the viewer skips right past it or they abandon the content all together.

But if you must have a branded spot or paid promotion, there are things you can do to make them great. Drew Gooden does a great job of making his sales pitches funny. People enjoy them because they are just as enjoyable to watch as the rest of his content. Mr. Beast also does a great job of this. He includes his branded spot into the story and this takes away from the “salesy” feeling. Peter McKinnon actually created an alter-ego in his videos, Squarespace Pete to interact with himself and talk about his paid promotion. It was so enjoyable to watch, that people in the comments were actually asking for more Squarespace Pete! Now, that’s a successful pitch!

This may not sound like your style and I get that. There is no need to take on a completely different version of yourself to sale something (although it may be fun to try…) But, to you we would recommend just be genuine and only pitch it when it actually fits.

People often think that the less you “sell people” the less you will sell. But that’s not the case. Taking the time to grow the “know, like and trust factor” will actually increase your sales, not decrease them. If you think of your overall strategy, having certain videos that are strictly discoverable will actually open up your audience to new viewers. And as these viewers watch more of your content, then you will be pitching to new people instead of pitching the same products to the same people.

2. Avoiding Community Content

The point of community content is to build the “know, like and trust factor.” This is vital because people are far more likely to buy from someone that they connect with. When selling, you are trying to solve the problem of your viewer. Community content is a great way to share what your problems are and allow your viewer to relate with you and understand that if it helped you with your problem, it may help them too. When you trust someone, you are willing to take an action when you ask them to.

So what does that look like? Maybe you have a music channel. Give a tour of your studio. Then, you can mention that if you like this type of content, you do this all the time on your patreon. Livestreams are also a great way to do this. Don’t worry if only 10 people show up. Be there and interact with those 10 people! The replay value is still massive. This is a great sales tactic too. The people who show up for this are going to be the people that are most connected and most motivated to convert into a sale anyway.

3. Not Pitching the Value

This one may be the worst offender. What we mean by “not pitching the value” is just mentioning your product. “Oh, and I have a course I just made that’s 30% off. Go check it out.” Why would anyone want to check that out? I may know the name of your course, but you have taken no time to actually show me why I would need this.

Another way this plays out is making your pitch at the beginning of your video. If you open your video with a sales pitch, who is going to want to stick around? Think of a new viewer seeing this. They don’t know who you are or how you bring value to their life, and here you are trying to sell them something. That’s not going to go over well.

So, how can you pitch the value? Share the impact of the thing that you are selling. How will it impact your viewer’s life. What is your viewer’s pain point that they are experiencing. How is this product/course/free pdf going to help them with this? Another way to pitch the value is to share your reason of why you created this product. Do you have a story behind creating it? Did it help you in some way? Share that!

So in short: Take the time. Build your relationship with your audience. Use the three-bucket strategy. Then, and only then, you can expect to start converting on your channel.

Power Tip

“Sort by oldest” is COMING BACK! I love this feature. Watching my favorite creators oldest videos are some of my favorite things to do. It can be inspiring to see where they came from and their crazy hairstyles are fun to see too. (And I’m one of the worst offenders with my classic youth pastor goatee…smh)

It was originally removed due to the mixed feed of lives, shorts and long-form content. But now that they have that all figured out, it’s back. So go sort by oldest and enjoy some old-school YouTube. Until next time…

Keep Changing Lives!

Tim Schmoyer

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