Video Creators Agency

AHHH!! Take risks with your YouTube community!

Sign up to be the first to get information about next year’s Video Labs LIVE event
This is a personal vlog of my thoughts, fears, and concerns for launching my very first YouTube training event here in Cincinnati. It required an investment of money to pull off. I had no guarantee that I would earn it back. Even worse, what if I committed to it, promoted it, and no one came? Or what if only a few people came? Could I handle that kind of rejection? Would that mean I’m not actually serving creators as well as I’d like? There were just so many fears and concerns running through my head through the planning phase, the launch phase, and even during the event itself. Whew! Here’s the story of how everything turned out for me. Thank you for being a part of this story with me!

Check out some vlogs from other creators who attended the first Video Labs LIVE event



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