Several years ago, I met a guy named Cliff through a mutual friend. Once I met him and we got to talking, we realized we only lived a few miles away from each other. We started to get together for lunches and that turned into 30-50 mile bike rides (he’s way more fit than I am!), which turned into him helping my family move twice, and more.
We talked about business, struggles, failures (got plenty of those), success, family, faith, and our plans to impact even more people’s lives than ever before. When you find someone who understands your journey and your heart, get together, swap stories, and encourage each other!
That’s the same thing people are looking for on YouTube.
They want to find people who “get them” and the journey they are on. Once they do, they will be all-in and a part of that community.
One of the first ways viewers can see what you and your channel are about is with a channel trailer.
How do you get someone to be “all-in” on your channel just by watching your channel trailer?
In this video, we’ll show you how.
- Hook your audience’s attention. The easy way to do this is to call your ideal viewer out. Identify them. Make them feel like you’re talking specifically to them.
- Transition into your backstory. Once you get the viewer’s attention and call them out, you’ll want to quickly transition to relating that to your own story. Who are you? Where’d you come from? How’d you get into making the videos you are making or the field you’re in? Make it relatable to the audience, not an autobiography.
- Introduce your channel’s value proposition. What value is your channel delivering to your audience? Are you going to help real estate agents make six figures? Teach women how to cook meals for large families? Make this clear in your channel trailer.
- Explain how you’re going to deliver this. An easy way to do this could be showing some examples of what you usually deliver. You can add B-Roll clips in here, screencasts, and anything that shows you deliver what you say you’re going to deliver.
- Tell them when to expect new content. It doesn’t matter what time or day of the week you pick. Just pick a time you know you can be consistent and upload then.
- Wrap it up with a call to action. Wrap it up with a call to action to subscribe and just end it. Don’t add any end screens onto the channel trailer because when it’s over, the subscribe button will pop up right in front of them.
There are a few principles we can learn from these example trailers.
- Keep it short. It can be tempting to talk about yourself a lot. You’ll lose your viewer if you do, though. Keep it short and simple! The viewer just needs to know… why do I care about this content?
- Know how to communicate your value proposition clearly. If you don’t know how to communicate it clearly, it’ll be hard for your viewer to know if your channel is right for them.
- Make it interesting. Your channel trailer doesn’t need Hollywood editing, but it does help if it’s interesting. New viewers don’t like watching “talking head” videos (unless you’re an amazing storyteller). Take your channel trailer as an opportunity to show what you’re all about. Add B-Roll and switch up shooting locations. This helps hold your audience’s attention.
I hope this helps you craft the perfecting channel trailer for your channel.
Thanks for reading!
Keep changing lives,
P.S. Need some extra help with brainstorming or ideas for your channel trailer? Or your value proposition? Schedule a 1-hour consultation with us here. My team and I would love to meet with you and help you reach your goals on YouTube.
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