Video Creators Agency

Steps for Using Story to Build a Deep and Lasting Connection with Your Audience feat. Matthew Dicks [Ep. #279]

Video Creators Podcast

If you’re a YouTube or video creator, you HAVE to read the book Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks.

We recommend it as part of our Video Labs course reading because it’s THAT good and we send it to our Action Plan clients because it is THAT important for our clients to understand how to communicate and present their message in a way that is engaging and how to do it quickly.

Storytelling is one of the best ways to do this.

We usually think storytelling has to look like a Pixar movie, but it really doesn’t.

You can even practice storytelling as an education channel.

In one of our recent Growth Network calls, we actually had Matthew Dicks join us for one of our live calls and our students had the chance to ask him how to practice storytelling in their own channels including how to start storytelling well within your title/thumbnail and within the video structure itself.

I promise it’s full of great stories, examples, and things to think about when it comes to your own storytelling.

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