Video Creators Agency

The Content You’re Avoiding is Actually What You NEED [Ep. #387]

The wave of “challenge content” has dominated YouTube for years. From the “Cinnamon Challenge” to the “Last One Out of the Circle Wins $10,000”, creators have jumped on the bandwagon to attract viewers and gain viral fame. But, times have changed. More and more, people are seeking genuine, authentic content. They want to connect with creators on a deeper level, valuing authenticity over sensation.

Today we will talk about why this shift is happening and what it means for you as a creator and your YouTube success.

Challenge Content

So when I refer to “challenge content,” I’m talking about the Mr. Beast style content – highly edited, super fast paced, larger than life challenges. In every video the stakes are high, whether that is money on the line or simply survival. Sure, it can be exciting. But after awhile, once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. At this point, the only way to stand out is to do it bigger and better, but that really just boils down to having a bigger budget than the last guy.

So many creators are trying to be Mr. Beast or Airrack and that has resulted in an embarrassingly large gap between these YouTube legends who are doing it and all of those who are just trying to be like them.

No Connection

But, there is a major thing that this content is greatly lacking. And that is connection. The creators jam-pack their content with so much happening, that they do not actually tell the story of the people in the videos.

The backstory is vital if you want to get that connection with the audience. If Joe Shmo doesn’t get $10,000, then that’s a bummer. But if you know that this guy competing is really struggling and working 3 jobs trying to put food of the table for their 7 children, then winning or losing is going to mean a lot more.

The pacing of these videos are also hard to swallow. There is so much coming at you from a million different directions that you can’t look away (which is the point), but you also can’t process what is happening or feel the emotions of the characters. The lack of connection is the number one criticism Mr. Beast gets from his content and we are now just seeing him attempt to pursue this.

The Affect on Others

This type of content has become so well-known on YouTube, that new creators often feel the push to go in this direction with their own content. You may think that if you don’t cut every 6 seconds, that your content will be boring. But, that’s just not true. Pacing this quickly can really burn out your viewer and cuts out the personality of your video. Pauses are important too. Think of the show, The Office. The pauses can be the most affective parts of your video.

The language that people are using now, is also a result of this content. How many times have you watched a video that begins by saying, “Don’t forget to stick around to the end to see this crazy thing…” It makes you skeptical or even annoyed, right? “You can’t trick me!” Now, I’m not saying you can never say this. But if you do it in every video and there really isn’t a good payoff, your audience is going to stop trusting you.

Just because a “challenge” works on another channel, doesn’t mean it’s going to work in your niche. Don’t stray away from your value proposition in order to accomplish some trendy challenge. If it’s not drawing in the right audience, the content is not going to be helpful to your channel as a whole.

What Do Viewers Want

We actually are seeing an influx of viewers craving very different things on YouTube lately. This might be YouTube becoming full-circle, but there has been a whole movement pushing Vlogging to come back, which is definitely very different than the challenge content niche. But, this is just so telling that people are tired of this oversaturated market and craving storytelling.

Storytelling has a rise and fall of emotion. Your video can not effectively stay an intense high the whole time. Make your viewer laugh… or cry… or laugh so hard that they cry. These are the videos that stick with a viewer. And the best way to accomplish this is by telling a story.

Maybe you think, I’m not funny. I can’t do this. But when I feel the most connected to a video, it’s when I’m moved in some way. It doesn’t have to be an outward reaction, necessarily. But just a moment of connection moment when you feel a pull in a certain way. Nothing is forced. It’s just the creator being their authentic self.

In a world of filters and editing, audiences today want authenticity. It’s so hard for people to relate to you on a human level through challenge content. People are craving deeper connections and relationships and this happens through vulnerability with personal stories.

This is why I believe AI Content is never going to go as far as human content. We need the humanity otherwise, the content is disconnected at best and creepy at worst. Think of the creators that have really allowed their humanity to shine through in the face of challenge culture: Peter Mckinnon, Emma Chamberlin, Casey Neistat, etc. These creators are just out there being themselves, telling stories and having phenomenal success.

How do you do this?

Not sure where to start? Ask yourself, “If I let go of how a video performed just focused on connecting with my audience, what would that video look like?” I’d imagine it would be a personal story of some kind and taking time to connect with your individual viewer. You would showcase your passion and allow viewers to see a more rounded picture of who you are.

Be your honest self. Talk about your successes and failures. This will build trust with your audience. Don’t try to copy someone else. Lean into who you are and what your story is. And then, present this in a fun and entertaining way.

Switching from challenge content to authentic content doesn’t mean you need to give up on entertaining or engagement. Instead, enhance these factors by offering content that resonates on a deeper level with your audience. That is what will lead to lasting growth and success on YouTube.

Power Tip

YouTube is now offering a feature called, “related video” in shorts. Basically it’s a way to direct people to your long-form content from your short-form content. Or you can use this to direct people from your long-form to a related short or even a livestream. Play around with this and see how you can weave your content together to make an interesting journey for your viewer.

Keep Changing Lives!

Tim Schmoyer

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