Video Creators Agency

This ABT Method Makes Viewers Connect with you Faster [feat. Park Howell] [Ep. #322]

We talk a lot about using storytelling to create videos that quickly create an emotional connection with viewers. When that happens, viewers watch longer, subscribe, and come back for more. -And that’s the goal, right?

However, it’s equally important that our brand also quickly creates an emotional connection with viewers. Thankfully, the same tool, storytelling, helps us do that on a brand level for our channel just like it does on an individual video level.

Park Howell, host of the podcast, joins us today to share his method for how creators can quickly bring clarity to their brand and make it easy for people to feel something about them.

Creator Spotlight

But first, I want to introduce you to Caleb Ashton. On his channel, “,” Caleb talks about buying and reselling video games. He has over 200k subs and makes a full time income, but the one of the things that stood out most during our consultation is how much time and attention he gives to his thumbnails.

So I asked him what advice he’d give to help people level up their thumbnails. He said that he noticed a huge difference when he decided to teach himself photoshop instead of using Canva. It only took him a couple days to learn how to use it, but once he switched he saw a vast difference in the quality of his thumbnails compared to his competitors.

He also spends a lot of time on his title. Your first title is almost never your best. We suggest coming up with more than 20 ideas for a title. At that point, you usually hit a wall. And the great idea is usually right on the other side of that wall.

This is one of those situations where doing 20% more work on that title and thumbnail will give you 80% more return and we are always up for that. Put the work in where it matters the most.

Back to Making that Connection

It’s so important for our YouTube audiences to quickly understand who we are, what value we’re providing and establish an emotional connection. So I asked Park Howell, how we can quickly do this on a brand level. (And if you don’t think of yourself as a brand, you need to start.) If we don’t tell people our story and what we are all about, people will make up that story for us. – and it probably won’t be accurate.

Why did I ask Park? Well, Park Howell is called the “world’s most industrious storyteller.” He’s been working in the branding advertising marketing world for 35 years and has helped brands grow over 600%. He has learned that it all comes down to the ABT Method: And, But & Therefore. So this is what we are going to talk about today so that you can implement it immediately to clarify your story, amplify your impact and ultimately simplify your life.

ABT Method

The point is to make our brands more clear and emotional at the same time. Park says, “Nobody buys boring.” So let’s get interesting!

The ABT Method focuses on three ideas for every good story.

You discover what this is by answering 5 questions:

  1. Who is your audience?
  2. What do they want?
  3. Why is it important for them to create a brighter tomorrow?
  4. Why don’t they currently have it? What is emotionally impacting them?
  5. How can you help them get there?

I went through and tried to do this for Video Creators. We are constantly reevaluating what’s on the opening page of our website. We want to explain who we are and how we can help without writing a novel. It’s also our intro to our podcast. It’s a great tool to use but sometimes it’s really hard to determine what it is.

I came up with this:

You want to grow your YouTube channel and experience the freedom of a thriving business, but your efforts are not getting you results. Therefore, we connect you with a YouTube Strategist who will help you confidently grow.

Park said that he needed more specifics. This could apply to many people out there. So I threw out my second option:

You want to grow your YouTube audience and experience the freedom of a thriving business, but your videos aren’t getting much traction. Therefore, we provide a tailored YouTube strategy that’s guaranteed to grow your channel.

He picked up on the fact that our focus is on strategy. And what makes ours unique is the fact that other people use tactics that don’t work any more – metadata/keywords/editing styles/etc. Where we have found that what actually works is how quickly you get someone to feel something. That human connection is what leads to all of those viewer signals that we all want.

So he pushed me to name our strategy. I suggested “people first,” since that’s what we say internally all the time. But he suggested turning “Youtube into WeTube.” Or “buds over bots.” Not sure if I love those, but they do stand out!


He shared that it’s great to start with the language that your customers use to describe themselves and then, go in and add more colorful phrases and metaphors.

Also, make sure you show what makes you unique and what benefit you can give to them.

Always start with the word “You.” It makes it personal and gets right to the point.

Now how long is too long?

Start with your long version and make then make it as brief as possible. Dial in on your single narrative. What is your opening line that you would use to introduce yourself to a room full of people? Now that you have one that is too long and one that is too short, reevaluate and create the perfect one.

Where do you use it?

EVERYWHERE. The more clarity that you can share about who you are, the better. Begin your videos with it. Use it on your website. Use it on your intro. And practice the ABT Method as much as you can! (You want this, but you don’t have it. I can get you there.) Use it in your emails. Use it with your kids. The more practice you get the better you will be.


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Have comments, reactions, questions, a YouTube tip to share, or just want to say hi? for us and we may use it in an upcoming podcast episode.

Keep changing lives!

Tim Schmoyer

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