Video Creators Agency

Why Subscribers Aren’t Watching YOUR Videos

Have you ever felt stuck with your YouTube channel? Like you’re just not sure why it isn’t getting the traction you hoped for and you’re not really sure what steps to take next?

You’re not alone.

One of our channel members, Bruni Family TV, had 2 of their videos really BLOW UP. Lennon, one of our strategists at Video Creators, reviewed their channel and provided some insight on how they could capitalize on this and turn their casual viewers into loyal subscribers.

​Here’s what he had to say (and how it relates to your channel too)!

  1. The value is unclear. This is, hands down, the biggest barrier we see to growth on YouTube. Your values need to be clearly communicated throughout your whole channel experience. There’s 500 hours worth of content being uploaded on YouTube every minute. Why do you make YouTube videos and why should people watch them? If you can answer that, you’re on your way to being able to communicate that through your videos.
  2. What is the overall story arc of your channel? As humans, we’re wired to love a good story. Good stories have a conflict and resolution. In the Bruni Family’s case, what does the family want and what do they have to overcome to get it? How will they be changed by the end of this? Lennon dives deeper into some practical examples of what this could look like for your channel.
  3. Develop content based on the values and belief system of your channel. Once you understand the value you (or your channel) are delivering, it is much easier to come up with content ideas and to communicate your message to your audience. When your values are clear, you’ll more easily draw in the right people that will want to watch regular videos you put out and not just the viral ones!

I hope this short channel member review helps you reflect on which areas you can improve in your own channel?

Got questions? Hit ‘reply’ and my team and I will be happy to help answer them!

Keep changing lives,


P.S. Want to be a channel member and potentially get your channel reviewed? Head to our Video Creators channel and hit ‘join’. We’d love to have you as a member!

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