Video Creators Agency

CASE STUDY: Inside look at how Emma grew from 200k views to 2 million views per month in only 2 months

I know you’re working hard on growing your YouTube channel, so I want to give you an inside look at how Emma is achieving crazy results on her channel.

I mean, look at this! She struggled for years to gain traction with all the best practices she knew, but none of them worked.

She worked hard on all the regular tactics that most creators focus on:

The result? Well, unfortunately there really weren’t any. A couple bumps here and there, but that’s it.

But then a few months ago her channel took off. YouTube themselves noticed and she even became YouTube’s, “Creator On The Rise!”

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Look at the difference! 35,000 views, 43,000 views, 64,000 views, 390,000 views per video in only one or two weeks! Now she’s getting more videos on a single video than she was getting in an entire month across her entire library of videos combined!

Instead of getting about 200,000 views per month, she’s now getting about 2 million views per month and getting noticed by YouTube themselves.

What happened? Was it just dumb luck? Did YouTube randomly decide to award her persistence? Did she hit the magic keyword?

Nope, nope, and nope.

She stopped focusing on what was obviously not working, went through our Video Labs training this past January, and implemented an entirely new strategy.

We taught her that YouTube obviously doesn’t care about her tags, what keywords she uses, how good her video production quality is, nor even how consistently she published new videos. If they did, her videos would be performing better than they were.

Instead, she learned that the main thing YouTube cares about is how the viewer responds to her video when they see it. Ultimately, the viewer determines how well the video will rank across its platform, which means there’s an entirely different set of metrics we need to capitalize on in order to grow.

Once Emma learned our YouTube growth process in Video Labs, she published her first video following that process and then shared this in our private online community the next day.

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“I was convinced this video was going to be a big flop, I thought pfft who cares. BUT, I trusted the process and LOOK AT THIS RETENTION GRAPH. I have 88% retention at 30 seconds in, 88%!!!!!!”This video was literally just me telling the story of a cruise I went on, I called it ‘The WORST Cruise I’ve Taken (As Rated by Cruise Critic Reviews).’ Thanks for the help on this idea! The thumbnail has one of the reviews that say ‘AMERICANS BEWARE’ because I remembered my target audience are mostly from the US.”The video was so much easier to make than a lot of my other content and I’m so amazed at how well it’s worked. It’s had 11k views in the last day and a half which is double or 3x what I usually get. I’m still feeling like :O “

Let’s breakdown what she’s revealing here about why this video performed so much better than her other videos did.

  1. She tried something different. Repeating the same limiting patterns on your channel will not produce different results just because you do them over and over again. She trusted the process.
  2. She’s using her analytics to make decisions. She’s now looking at her audience retention graph, she knows what’s normal for one of her videos, and can now see the difference a different approach is having on her videos.
  3. She focused on telling a story. The story not only held the viewer’s attention for better watch time performance, but the conflict of the story was also teased well with the title and thumbnail.
  4. She got input from others before hitting record. She utilized the community of other creators inside Video Labs to help her brainstorm a title and thumbnail for her video BEFORE she hit record so she could optimize the opening seconds of the video to fit the viewer’s expectation when they click play.
  5. She’s focused on her target audience. And she’s optimizing the content for her viewer instead of optimizing for the “algorithm.”
  6. She opted for connection over production. In this case, going for human connection over production turned out to be a video that was “so much easier to make.”

The result? Her video got 3x the viewers she usually gets in the first day AND her videos took less time.

Imagine that! Better results with less time.

It really is a testament to working smarter, not harder. It’s about doing the right things the right way in the right order, not just a lot of things that might accidentally result in success.

If you’ve been struggling to grow your YouTube channel for a while and know you need a different process to finally grow, Video Labs is exactly what you need. It helped Emma and almost 1,000 other YouTube creators achieve similar results.

You can be next! The next session of Video Labs starts with me in only two weeks.

You’ll learn…

Not only will you watch an in-depth training video every week, but you’ll also be given weekly assignments to complete on your channel. Plan to spend about 5-8 hours each week on these assignments because they’re designed to get you results if you complete them.

Then, each week we’ll connect in a Zoom meeting to discuss your work on the assignments, provide additional training, as well as workshop your upcoming videos. We can also work on your channel together in our private online group.

In order to be as hands-on as possible with every creator, Video Labs is limited to only 20 creators, available on a first-come first-serve basis. Once all the spots are sold, registration will close. So far every session of Video Labs has sold out for the past 6 years, so .

I can’t wait to see you there and watch your channel see amazing growth!


P.S. Video Labs is our advanced YouTube growth training program, so once you register there’s a decent amount of preliminary training to complete before Video Labs starts. we dive headfirst into the nitty gritty of how the algorithm works in Video Labs.

I’ll see you in two weeks!

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