Video Creators Agency

STOP WAITING To Start Your Email List!

I don’t mean to yell at you, this is just really important and something I want you to get.

With the ever expanding amount of social media platforms that are coming out, it can feel like you have to be on every single one and posting at all hours of the day.

The reality is that no one expects you to do that… and they’re probably not going to see all of your content anyway. Because your audience is 5x more likely to see your content in an email versus on a social media platform.

There are more collective users using email (3.8 billion) compared to everyone collectively using different social media platforms (3.4 billion).

So, stop waiting to start your email list if you’ve been putting it off… because if you want to reach your audience, deliver value, and make sales… email is where it’s at.

Here’s what you need to do to .

  1. Define your target audience and value proposition. Who are you making videos for and what value do your videos offer? It’s impossible to grow a YouTube channel, business, or email list without these things. When there are 500+ hours worth of content being uploaded onto YouTube each minute, why should people care about yours? Get specific here and if you are struggling to narrow it down, don’t be afraid to . We love helping creators and business owners work through this stuff.
  2. Prepare a lead magnet or give something away free. A lead magnet is a tool or resource of value that you give away for free in exchange for someone’s email address. This could be a PDF, checklist, eBook, short video course, etc. It just needs to deliver exactly what it promises and needs to help your audience solve one of the biggest problems they’re facing and don’t know how to overcome.
  3. Offer or mention your lead magnet in your videos. Don’t just tell your audience you have a free thing (who likes being on a spammy email list?) but tell them what problem your free thing is going to solve that compels them to actually want to download it. Don’t overdo it, though, and offer your freebie in every video.
  4. Create a short and catchy landing page. When your viewer is ready to download your freebie, the link they’re going to click on should take them to a landing page. This is just a short page on your website that should focus on the value, or reward, that your freebie is solving for them. .
  5. Set up your desired email software. As you grow and start acquiring 100, 200, 500, 1K+ people on your email list, you can’t personally email all of them. You can set up your lead magnet, landing page, and all of this in an email software. We love and use Convertkit to send out all of our email campaigns. They recently created a free plan for up to 1,000 email subscribers. . They’re definitely the most user friendly as well.
  6. Set up your first automation sequence. This is where you’ll put in a lot of work upfront and then sit back, kick your feet back, and let your email software work for you. So, let’s say someone signs up for your freebie and you can type up the email they’ll receive along with the attachment for their freebie. We don’t recommend ending the communication there, though. You want to stay fresh in your viewer’s mind. You can actually schedule out follow up emails to send them to build a relationship with your subscriber, deliver even more value to them, and even let them know what other products or services you provide that can help solve their problems. .
  7. Supply your audience with value on a regular basis. We do this 1-2x a week. You can do this every day if you’d like. Just continue delivering good, high value to continue building trust with your audience and solving their problems. Don’t use it to spam them or just promote what you’re selling.

Another thing I like to do is study other people’s email lists. I’ll notice the frequency at which they send emails, their subject lines, how they open emails, and the language they use. It’s always good to study what others are doing well and what makes you want to click on an email versus what makes you delete without reading it.

Hope this helps you get started on your email list building!

Thanks for reading.

Keep changing lives,


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