Video Creators Agency

Twitter’s Vine App: Video Sharing at it’s Easiest

Last week Twitter released their video publishing app called, Vine. It’s currently only available for iOS and lets users quickly and easily record quick, 6-second video clips and post them to their Vine feed, to Twitter, and to Facebook.

This might be the best “Instagram for Video” app we’ve seen so far for three reasons:

  1. The level of time commitment needed to skim these videos is very small.
  2. The videos are often full of quick cuts, which holds your attention.
  3. The videos will auto-play in your Vine feed as you scroll through them.

Personally, I’m really enjoying the app and having a lot of fun with it. Search for Tim Schmoyer on Vine and you’ll probably find me.

We also talk about some new stats that just came out about YouTube’s revenue and increased viewing patterns, as well as the new H.265 codec being approved and what it means for our videos in the future.

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