How are you doing?
I’m not sure how many of you know, but when I’m not on YouTube or working with clients, I’m a big fan of woodworking. It’s become a really fun hobby over the years and I love building different items for my family and friends. My brother was just in town for a bit and I helped him build this shelf for his office.
I love being able to make stuff for my family and friends, but I didn’t always know what I was doing. Learning woodworking took time, practice, and a willingness to learn.
That’s a lot what starting an online business is like.
Maybe, like me, you didn’t go to business school.
Maybe selling makes you uncomfortable.
Maybe you have no idea what you’re doing.
Well, guess what?
You CAN do it! You can learn.
If you can start working on crafting these 7 skills, you CAN grow a successful online business. These are the skills that changed everything for me in my business.
- Problem solving. Businesses exist to solve problems (yes, even if you’re in entertainment – escapism exists because people are bored, sad, etc). It’s also important to be a problem solver because problems will arise in your business at some point. Your budget will be to small, your product or service may stop working, you’ll need to deal with a difficult customer, etc. Being good with problem solving (and genuinely wanting to help your customer or client) will make you the best in your business!
- Thinking strategically. How are you going to continue solving your viewer’s problem? What’s your vision for your business? Things are CONSTANTLY changing. If you can adapt and think ahead of this stuff, you’re going to start your business off right.
- Think systematically. Creating systems in your business will save your professional life. Even if you don’t necessarily plan on expanding your business to this huge thing, you need systems for your own working life and especially if you DO decide to expand (even if it’s just onboarding a part-time assistant). Some systems you’ll want to think about starting (or evaluating) are systems to generate leads, to keep track of your finances, to train new employees, and how to troubleshoot issues and respond to your clients and customers.
- Think financially. A successful business comes down to math. Does the money coming into the business exceed the money going out? Having an accountant or someone with more experience in this area can help – as can getting your personal finances in order. When you manage money well in your business life, that tends to reflect in your business too.
- Resiliency. There’s a LOT that happens in business and YouTube that isn’t fun. There’s rejection, stress, you lose money, and burnout. So many people give up and never get to see the success on the other side of that. Don’t be one of those people. Learn from your mistakes and KEEP GOING!
- Clear communication. Confusion is your enemy on YouTube and in business. If your potential viewer or customer doesn’t understand what it is you do off the bat, you’ll lose them. If you have a team, communication is also crucial to working together successfully. I’ve had to learn that overcommunicating is really the best way to go about getting better at this and learning to receive feedback from others.
- Salesmanship. If you can’t sell, you have no business. You don’t need to be sleazy, salesy, or have an MBA. You can learn the art of selling, but it’s something you do have to get comfortable with. A resource I’d recommend to start learning how to sell naturally is Donald Miller’s Building a Story Brand podcast. There’s also an episode I just did on selling on YouTube without being sleazy here.
Those skills are powerful and if you can begin to get better at each of these in your own life, you will do well in your business.
There are some skills that will take you from good to GREAT and those skills I can’t teach you. You typically have them right now or you don’t, but it’s still not too late to develop these skills (it just takes time and an honest heart check).
Watch this short video to find out what those are.
Thanks for reading!
Keep changing lives,
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