Video Creators Agency

Challenges and Rewards of Working with your Spouse on YouTube [Ep. #55]

If you work with your spouse on YouTube, the relationship can get complicated. Having a personal relationship with them is tough enough, but when you throw in the challenges of a business relationship there are unique struggles that can pop up. The dynamic of the relationship can slowly kill romance and create friction that you’d otherwise like to avoid.

Chad and Melissa have been working together in various business since they first started dating. Now they’re married and have figured out a few boundaries and expectations that need to be in place in order to make it possible to work with a spouse on YouTube.

My wife, Dana, also joins the discussion to share some of the things she has learned by working with me over the past 10 years.

Hopefully this episode helps you work better with your spouse and understand that some of the challenges you face in a working, partnership relationship are not unique to only you.

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