Video Creators Agency

Should You Use Services that Promise Views and Subscribers?

There are many websites and services out there where you can pay a small fee and get thousands of views sent to your YouTube videos. Are they work the money? Should you use them?

Today I review how those sites work and the detrimental effect they can have on your videos and YouTube channel, even if they’re sending legitimate, human views of actual people and are not breaking YouTube’s Terms of Service.

However, there is one promotional service that is safe, but personally I’ve had mixed results with it so far and that is Google’s Adwords for Video.


  1. No music nor sound effects.
  2. No text nor logos.
  3. Keep it brief.
  4. Include your channel in the “message” field.
  5. Upload your video here

Mentioned in the video: 7 Tips for Looking Good on Your Webcam

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