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How To Infuse Growth into your YouTube Channel

If your YouTube channel has been stuck at under 100 subscribers for a long time and you’re just not getting more YouTube views no matter what you try, here’s some advice that may help you change all that. These tips and advice will help you infuse growth into your YouTube channel if your channel hasn’t grown for a while. Check out the video I did on Derral’s channel on How To Get More Views – 7 Ways To Improve Your Content on YouTube and then check out my very first YouTube video.

Hey guys. My name is Tim Schmoyer, and this is Derral Eves from and also  We’re going to talk with you guys today answering a question that one of you asked in the comments of a previous video.

“I stand at 120 subscribers and have been doing YouTube since April 2013. I am sure these tips will help me out a bit. However, I wonder how YouTube allows some people hundreds of subs in their first week while people who follow tips like these work very hard to be where they are. Not complaining, just wondering.”

That is a great question. I think a lot of people have that question on the internet, and especially on YouTube. We’re doing everything we know. We follow the YouTube playbook. We’re watching Derral Eves. Best practices. We’re watching Tim Schmoyer. And I’m still not growing. What’s going on? What should they consider?

Get Feedback

So, there’s a couple of things. I would always look at the content first and get some positive feedback. I would get with people that maybe doesn’t watch your channel and say, hey, watch these videos. What do you think? Give me some feedback. Sometimes we think something is really good and it’s really not. And sometimes that’s harsh, but the reality is we can always improve. See how you can improve your content.

When you’re looking for people to give you feedback about your videos, though, like I get those comments all the time. You guys ask all the time on these videos. I want feedback, and I know you’re asking, but the quality of the feedback matters. So if you ask your mom, she’ll be like, oh, you’re doing so good. I’ve been speaking a while. I’m not hitting puberty.

But the quality of where you get feedback from matters, right?

So what I want you guys to do in the comments of this video is comment– some of you guys maybe try to organize a private Facebook group and say, I want five, six, seven, how many people do you think?

I think between seven and 10, and they have to be of the common thread, the same niche. So if you’re a gamer, get some gamers in there.

Don’t just go to those YouTube groups on Facebook and just be like, I need feedback. Everyone’s spamming that. Find a couple people in the comments of this video, get together, connect. Start a Facebook group or however you want to do it, over e-mail, it doesn’t really matter. Just as a way of connecting to each other.

Look Into Other Avenues to Promote Videos

And what I like to say is, there’s people looking to be found, and it’s all about distribution. You’re using the platform YouTube as a distribution model. But honestly, there’s a lot of clutter. There’s a lot of people uploading videos all the time. And so you need to be found. And so I would look at other avenues to promote videos, whether it’s Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, whatever it may be, pushing traffic towards YouTube. And those are those little small indicators that YouTube looks for to really help promote your video.

Break-up Your Content Into 3 Categories

I think another thing to maybe consider is that some people are making a lot of good videos, but nothing that anyone would ever think to search for. Or they’re making content that’s not really like something that people just click on as a related or a suggested video or something. So I would recommend maybe breaking up your content into three different categories.

Community Oriented Content

One would be community oriented content, which a lot of people just make naturally. That’s just when you’re talking to people who are already subscribed to your channel.

Discoverable Content

And then you’re also making discoverable content, whether it be searchable in some way, whether it just be like highly clickable because it’s got a great title, great thumbnails, teasing a story, teasing a solution to a problem, teasing something that would entice your target audience, oh, I need this in my life. Or I’m curious if nothing else. And they want to watch that. And so maybe even you’re watching what videos other creators are making that are really super evergreen, which means people are just always searching for it. And you’re watching a lot of those videos and you’re saying, my audience is on this video. How could I maybe show up as a suggested video or a related video to this? Not making the same content, but making something that’s a little bit different, and then mixing that up with the community. And then maybe making big content, hero content.


I think this video right here is perfect because I have an audience, and it’s OK, and you have an audience, and it’s OK. And we get discovered by doing videos together. So collaboration is always a big deal. Something that every creator should have there. You can’t do it every time, but you can do it strategically. And Tim and I, when we’re able to get together and do a video, we do a video.

So the other thing to consider is that sometimes just persistence pays off. As you’re constantly learning, constantly going, yes, sometimes people just hit it big and then boom, take off. I would say that we notice those, but that doesn’t mean it’s the norm. And so sometimes you don’t notice all the people who have been grinding because they have a passion, a mission of something they really want to do, a message they want to spread and share on YouTube. And so sometimes they go unnoticed for a while, but then they will continue to slowly grow. As you’re learning all the skills that are necessary to really grow a channel, that’s a lot.

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