Video Creators Agency

How We Create Online Courses that Sell [Ep. #202]

Hope your week is going well! We just wrapped up with our big launch for our newest course, 30 Days to a Better YouTube Channel. (You can still buy the course, but all the bonuses are gone for the time being)

It’s led a question to come up which is a pretty question!

Tim and team, how do you create courses that actually sell!?!

I have been there myself wondering how I would actually get someone to pay me money for something.

I thought this would be a great opportunity to chat with Lennon, one of the strategists here at Video Creators, all about how to do just that!

Here are some notable things we talked about.

  1. Set an expectation of sales upfront. When I first got started building my business, I provided SO much free content for my audience that by the time I released a $12 eBook, I got pushback. I was the free guy. It felt weird or wrong to people that I now was asking for money. If that sounds familiar or you want to avoid this, put something simple in front of your audience to buy. You don’t have to ask them to buy anything – just casually mention it. It could clothing, merch, essential oils, an eBook, or an affiliate link. If people know there’s an option for them to work with you, it won’t be shocking to them when you release a paid offer.
  2. Make sure the content you’re selling is the content you’re talking about. As many of you know by know, I love woodworking. It’s a fun hobby for me and what I love to spend my free time doing. As much as I love woodworking, I probably wouldn’t do well selling a woodworking course because I am putting out content about YouTube. Stick to what your audience wants here.
  3. Know the steps you want your audience to take. It’s important to know the process you want your customers to take to get to your online course. How will they find out about? What will compel them to buy? How will they access the course? It’s important to automate and get this customer journey (that’s what we call funnels) down really well so your customers have the best experience possible.
  4. Consider surveying your audience. One of the things I did and my wife is in the processing of doing is surveying our audience. When you’re creating your customer’s story, we tell creators to consider their pain points. The best way to serve your audience and compel them to buy from you is to address and solve their pain points. If you can get that language and information straight from the horse’s mouth, you’re on your way to winning! It may even lead you to sell or start something other than an online course too.
  5. Become the best in the world. I used to find myself doing WAY too much. I had a bunch of different clients, did channel management, consultations, audits, etc. I knew it wasn’t sustainable or scalable. I cut back and started doing ONE thing I was really good at and I made a course about it. Creating one amazing course that would help thousands of people is way better than having a bunch of courses that are mediocre. Put your heart and soul into your courses – make sure it’s something that you would’ve wanted before you know what you know now.

We talk a LOT more about how to price your courses, how to set them up, and answering all of your questions in this podcast.

See you over there!

Thanks for reading!

Keep changing lives,


P.S. Got more questions about using your YouTube channel to set up your business? My team and I would love to hop onto a .

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