Video Creators Agency

A Better Way to Structure Your Videos for MORE VIEWS

How are you doing? It’s been a really exciting week for my team and I here at Video Creators with the launch of the new 30 Days to a Better YouTube Channel course.

You guys have been loving it and it’s been so fun to know all the hard work my team put into this is helping creators like you change lives by spreading your message on Youtube.

One of the things we teach creators throughout the course is how to create better videos that get more views. Not for the sake of getting views, but to get your message in front of more people that need it!

This week, I grabbed one of my strategists, D’Laina, to review one of our channel members – Make or Break Shop!

​Here are some things she had to say that you can review when looking at your own channel.

  1. Their mission and values were clear. Off the bat, my team could see the value Make or Break Shop was offering. “DIY Projects for People that Aren’t Perfect”. That makes it easy to know whether this is for me or not and that definitely makes a channel more subscribable! Clarity is key.
  2. Consistency is key. Make or Break Shop had been putting in the time, uploading consistently for 2 years. While we do preach quality or quantity, quantity is still important in the sense that your audience needs to know they can count on you to post videos without disappearing for months at a time.
  3. Create a good channel trailer. Really, you want to optimize your whole homepage to be as easy to connect with you as possible. Just like your mission and values are clear through your channel art, they need to be just as clear in the channel trailer.
  4. Recognize trends on your channel. Notice the videos that are performing well and come up with similar video ideas or the next natural question someone would have about that topic. It’s a great way to capitalize on your higher performing videos (only if it aligns with your mission).
  5. Create consistency in your thumbnails. We all know a creator who, as soon as they post, we know it’s a video from them from the thumbnail alone. Make sure your branding is consistent with your thumbnails so yours have the same effect.

If you want to check out the channel D’Laina reviewed and learn more about what she had to say, you can check that short video out above.

Thanks for reading!

Keep changing lives,


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