Chat Moderation Guidelines for Live Streams
Thank you so much for being willing to serve the Video Creators community by helping moderate the chat of our live streaming events!
Here’s a couple guidelines for you, as well as some guidelines for you to follow as you moderate the chat.
Guidelines for You
- Always be very courteous and supportive of other creators, even when they’re being disrespectful or inappropriate. We never need to stoop to their level in order to deal with immature people.
- You must follow the same guidelines yourself that are outlined below. If you’re asking for subscribers, doing sub for sub, spamming, or talking in any way that’s less than courteous and respectful, the other moderators have my full permission to kick you and I’ll remove your moderator status.
- Do not use the moderation controls nor the authority that comes with it for personal attention, entertainment, nor as a control freak. Use them only when necessary in order to facilitate the kind of community we all want for creators: a place that’s safe, open, honest, educational, respectful, and supportive.
Guidelines for Moderating
- If someone appears to innocently be asking for “sub for sub” or “subscribe to my channel” something that’s perceived as spam, politely tell them that this isn’t the place for that. If they continue, place the user in timeout. If they still continue, then kick the user from the chat. It’s a 3 step process: warning, time out, kick.
- We have zero tolerance for personal attacks, derogatory sexual comments, and anything that’s considered hateful. Ban those users right away. No warning necessary. However, if you feel like the user is just being lighthearted due to young teenage immaturity, then give them a warning. Tell them that those kinds of comments are not tolerated and will result in being kicked. On the second offense, kick that person from the chat.
How To Produce the Live Stream
If you are producing the live stream for Tim by taking questions from the chat and putting them in front of him and any live guests, then watch the video at the top of this page. Laura, a previous producer, will explain how to take questions from the chat and put them in front of Tim.
A few things to consider about the questions you put in front of Tim and any potential guests:
- Put questions roughly in order of most relevant and on-topic to least relevant and on-topic.
- If the question isn’t related to the topic very closely at all, there’s no need to put it in front of Tim on the Google Doc.
- If the question is on-topic, but specific to that individual user and not generally valuable to the broader audience of creators, then don’t put that question in front of Tim either.
- Finally, questions that require YouTube tech support should not be passed on to Tim either. For example, “How do I recover my YouTube password?” or, “Why is my video still processing?”
If you have any questions about these or find that there are other guidelines that should be added, please feel free to contact Grace at Let’s keep this document as updated as possible to the latest guidelines that we hold for ourselves and for those we’re serving.
Thanks, moderator team, for serving the creator community!