In your journey to growing your YouTube channel to 1 million subscribers, an email list can be a valuable tool in helping you stay in front of your audience. YouTube subscriptions are great and helpful, but having your viewers’ email address allows you to reach out with other kinds of content, too. In this video, Evan Carmichael shares about how he used email marketing with his videos, how he used that email list to engage viewers, and how it helped him continue to grow his YouTube channel.

If you’re looking for an email list tool, the one that we use here at Video Creators is ConvertKit, which you can check out here: (affiliate)

In this 10 part series we’ll be hearing from Evan Carmichael about the behind-the-scenes tactics and strategies he implemented to reach 1 million YouTube subscribers on his channel.

– Check out Evan’s channel at
– Watch the full series of, “How Even Reached 1 Million Subscribers”