When we talk about stats and data it’s easy to just look at numbers like subscriber count, watch time, revenue, etc. Even when we dive into analytics, many of us just look at the various graphs and charts that detail our audience retention, where our views are coming from, which videos are performing best, etc. But how many of us are paying close attention to our real-time analytics? Following Stephen’s advice, we can leverage that data to make each video better than the last, immediately spot opportunities for growth on YouTube and capitalise on them, and reach 1 million subscribers along the way.

In this 10 part series we’ll be hearing from Stephen Sharer (and Grace Sharer) about the behind-the-scenes tactics and strategies he implemented to reach over 1 million YouTube subscribers on his channel.

Watch the full series of “How Stephen Sharer Reached 1 Million Subscribers”

Check out Stephen’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/spstricky175