When you feel comfortable on camera and communicate in your true voice, you’ll earn trust and credibility with viewers and you’ll be more effective at growing your audience.

My name is Tim Schmoyer. I founded this company, Video Creators. And I’ve built YouTube channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, millions of views. And now, I’ve built a successful business around my on-camera personality here at Video Creators. With me is Daniel Read. He is a professional actor and trainer. He trains models and actors here in the area how to do on-camera work for commercials and film.

Find Your Voice is a course all about helping you feel comfortable on camera. The course is designed to show you how to present your true and authentic self.

This is a struggle for a lot of people making Youtube videos. The problem is that the camera is terrifying. You set up your camera and then, you’re just scared and awkward. Then, you can’t even make the video, or maybe you do it, but you do 37 takes. This can lead to a dissatisfying result. In the end, you may never even post the project for fear that it doesn’t connect with your viewers.

This can be super frustrating because since your audience isn’t feeling any kind of natural connection to you, your channel’s not growing. That means the message that you’re trying to spread isn’t actually reaching the people you’re trying to reach.

As you try to feel more comfortable on camera, and as you try to present yourself in an authentic away, there is seven things that you should not do or stop doing if you are currently doing them.

1) Do not try to be artificially energetic

 You can’t force it. So don’t artificially try to make it happen. That doesn’t get you the desired effect that you want.

2) Don’t waste time trying harder:

Like we’ve said, you can get there if you just keep trying. But try to work smarter, not harder.

3) Do not try a lot of takes:

Doing it over and over and over and over again. Because all that will do is make you frustrated and confirm in your own head that you can’t do this when really you can.

4) Do not keep using your notes to reassure you:

If you keep looking offscreen and trying to read your notes, you’re not going to do a very good job at connecting with your audience. Do not check them continually while you film your videos. 

5) Don’t try to get someone else to replace you.

You may be fishing for someone else to do this or that because you feel like you can’t. Just because you are not completely comfortable on camera at the moment, doesn’t mean someone needs to replace you. You can do this.

6) Stop shooting awkward videos of yourself.

Let’s try to make more natural, authentic videos. Find the characteristics of your videos that feel awkward or unnatural. Then try to adjust those areas until you seem more like yourself.

7) Don’t stop making videos.

Don’t give up. You can do this. Your message needs to be spread in order to change a lot of people’s lives.

This course is just full of practical and helpful advice. It’s not just theoretical.Every lesson ends with action steps that you can do practically in your very next video to start achieving better results with feeling comfortable and presenting yourself well.

You’re going to learn how to present yourself in a more authentic and comfortable way. And you’re actually going to enjoy the process of sitting down and talking to your audience on camera. It’ll be fun for you.

The end result is going to be that your YouTube content or your video content is going to perform much better. You’re going to reach the audience that you’re trying to reach and make it way easier for them to connect with you.

We’re going to work with you on how to develop an engaging on-camera presence so that your audience can connect you, and so that you can reach your personal goals, whether that’s developing a YouTube channel, increasing your company sales, developing a personal brand, or anything else.

It’s going to be awesome. We’re going to have so much fun. So go through the checkout process. Buy this course. And we will see you in lesson number one called Dealing With Nerves. We’ll see you guys there.

Use promo code LAUNCH10 at checkout for 10% off during the first 72 hours of the course launch!