If you’ve been following along with me or these emails for a few months, you may have noticed that my family and I have taken up homesteading and we even started raising our own chickens.
I think the reason I’m enjoying chickens isn’t because I want cheaper, organic eggs or because I’m a chicken lover or even because of how much the kids enjoy them.
Instead, I’m learning that I really love figuring out and creating systems that predictably generate results, especially systems that generate more reward in the long run than I invested up front.
It started with my love of RPG video games (this much damage on this weapon combined with that armor against that kind of shield = victory), moved to YouTube algorithms (this element in that video combined with those branding signals for that audience, etc = growth), currently expresses itself in business (this value for that person presented this way for that result = revenue + life change), and now playing with chickens (these breeds in this style of coop with Premier 1 Supplies electric fencing and My Favorite Chicken automatic door opener = very low maintenance + eggs + free compost + free garden tilling and fertilization + bugs and mosquitos eaten + hours of kid entertainment).
I’m glad my love of systems allows me to work with hundreds of creators like you each month.
Today, I want to share my storytelling structure with you to help you DOUBLE your subscriber growth. To listen to the full video on this, watch above.
To tell a good story, there are a few questions you need to answer for your viewer.
- Who is the character?
- What does the character want?
- Why can’t the character have what they want?
- What is at stake if the character doesn’t get what they want?
- Who or what helps the character along the way?
- How does the character get what they want?
- How is the character transformed by the process?
This works for kid’s channel, lifestyle/entertainment channels, music, education, and more.
Let’s take a kid’s channel for example.
A girl named Molly (character) wants ice cream (character’s desire). Molly’s mom tells her if she can find all of her friends during a game of hide and seek, she’ll get her ice cream (the obstacle). As Molly is searching for her last friend, she is nowhere to be found (tension). So, her Mom gives her a clue on where her friend is hiding (character help).
You could include more here in your story about how Molly gets what she wants and how she is transformed by this obstacle, but you get the gist of it…
Storytelling is everything. We’re wired to love a good story.
I hope this example shows you that there are simple ways you can integrate this into your videos to help spread your message.
Thanks for reading!
Keep changing lives,
P.S. Want your subscribers to stop ignoring your videos you work soooo hard on? We can help. Click here to learn how to build a highly subscribable YouTube channel and uplevel your storytelling skills.