Does YouTube Take All Revenue from Mobile Views?

Some creators think that YouTube takes 100% of the money earned from ads on mobile views. It's stated as fact on discussion forums, reddit, and other places. However, I cannot find any actual documentation that states that this is the case.

Does YouTube Take All Revenue from Mobile Views?2015-03-09T14:12:12-04:00

Do’s and Don’ts of Your New Fan Funding Feature

Now that Fan Funding has rolled out to all YouTube partners in good standing (unless your MCN hasn't enabled it) in the US, Japan, Mexico, and Australia, YouTube has a few rules on how you can and can't use the feature to have your viewers give you money.

Do’s and Don’ts of Your New Fan Funding Feature2015-03-09T13:28:59-04:00

We Could Make 25x More YouTube Revenue with One Switch

Since some people will begin paying a monthly fee for YouTube's new Music Key service, it'd be interesting if that expanded to the rest of YouTube. What if the fee also included removing ads from YouTube as a whole instead of just from music videos?

We Could Make 25x More YouTube Revenue with One Switch2015-03-09T12:03:39-04:00

How To Get Started with Brand Deals on YouTube

If you're a YouTuber who wants to start working with brands on your channel in order to make more money, then this video will show you how to get started with that kind of revenue stream.

How To Get Started with Brand Deals on YouTube2015-06-18T15:50:10-04:00
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